Google Analytics Services

Learn how GeekHive's Google Analytics services can help your team optimize your marketing strategy and track your performance.

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Meet the newest addition to your marketing team: Google Analytics.

Well, maybe think of it more as a soon-to-be member of the team. Just like any technology, getting your full investment out of Google Analytics takes a little bit of strategy and a long-term commitment to the customer journey.

At GeekHive, we’ll help you check off both of those boxes and capture the insights you need to create a one-of-a-kind digital experience

Leveraging Google Analytics data across the customer journey

Let’s take a step back and explain what Google Analytics actually is.

Essentially, it's a Google-owned analytics tool that tracks, records and breaks down your website’s key metrics — all of which are shared through dashboards that make sense to people outside of data scientists. Aside from data visualization, the service also offers features including customizable reporting, predictive analytics, funnel analysis and … well, we could go on, but we’ll leave it at that for now.

In a nutshell: It’s pretty cool, and it’s a mighty optimization tool.

While the KPIs each team prioritizes will look a little different, just some of the data you can collect with Google Analytics includes:


User Experience

User info

How many new customers are visiting your website regularly? What can you do to attract more?

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Bounce rate

Are your users only viewing a single page or are they taking the time to explore your full site? How can you simplify their journey?

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Goal Completions

How many users are following through on your call-to-action? Can you boost that number?

With all of this information, you can get a better understanding of where your digital marketing strategy is hitting the mark as well as any opportunities for improvement.

Optimizing your marketing strategy

WIth Google Analytics, you can uncover valuable insights about your target audience and find new ways to improve your marketing efforts.

With the information you collect from the platform, you’ll be able to demystify the customer journey and generate insights that empower your team to:

Customer Experience

Find your audience

Drill down and discover exactly who's visiting your website, including their age, interests, and the devices they use. With data analytics on your side, you can create content that aligns with what they’re looking for in real time.

UX & UI Design

Leverage the right marketing channel

Get complete access to which platforms are attracting visitors so your team can choose the best one to advertise on.

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Meet your goals

Assign a specific number of customer outcomes you hope to achieve through your call-to-action. Whether that's making a purchase, sharing their email or signing up for an eBook is entirely up to you.

As you measure your website's performance over time, you can start to tweak your strategy to better align with your business goals as well as your customers’ expectations.

Understanding How An Analytics Consultant Can Help

Analytics can be overwhelming to even the most experienced marketers, especially if you’re working with a smaller team or just don’t have the time or resources to dedicate to it.

At GeekHive, we help.

Before we get the ball rolling, we'll work to discover exactly which data is relevant and meaningful for you and your customers. As your partner in all things Google Analytics, we’ll work to refine your digital marketing strategy and answer questions such as:

• What is and isn't working about your current data collection process? 

• What would you like to know about your audience?

• How can Google Analytics be leveraged to improve your customer journey?

• What will it take to get your team and any legacy systems up and running with this new software?

Once we discover your team’s specific data needs, we’ll work together to implement a Google Analytics strategy that makes the most sense for your unique business goals.

Working with Google Analytics experts

As your Google Analytics consultant, GeekHive will help you to make data collection and reporting a straightforward and collaborative process that gets your whole team on board. Just some of our end-to-end services include:

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Any new software is only as good as its initial rollout. The GeekHive team will work alongside your own to ensure that your Google Analytics implementation is seamless for both internal users and external visitors.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics Training

You can lead a horse to water ... you've heard this one before. Receive ongoing education and support to empower your team to make the most out of data.



Already have Google Analytics in place but aren’t seeing the results you hoped for? Let’s uncover the problem and fix it together.

unlocking a keyboard

Partnering with GeekHive

Data shouldn’t be an afterthought in your strategy or another headache to manage during your day. Instead, consider it to be the MVP of your marketing team.

At GeekHive, we’re here to help your team leverage Google Analytics and turn meaningless numbers into relevant and actionable consumer insights. Schedule a call with us and together we’ll navigate your data to create a next-level customer experience.